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Resaleworld Webinars

Resaleworld Webinars
Our price: $29.00

Online Training is a great way to obtain targeted training PLUS save a little bit of money! Not everyone can fly down to Orlando, FL for 2 days and not everyone needs a 2-day training course. If you've already been using Liberty for years, but you just want to get some "tips and tricks" or specialized training, then Online training may work for you!

Online training costs $29 per session and is limited to 6 connections. You can have as many people in one of those connections. You are able to ask questions through chat mode only.

In order to attend an online training session, you must have WebEx installed on your computer. Please make sure you can connect to the WebEx Test Meeting by visiting their demo website. Please do this well in advance of the scheduled training time so you do not encounter any problems. Also, make sure to register for our classes at least 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the each class.

WebEx Test Meeting Website.

Once you register for a training session, you will be sent an invitation via email with all relevant meeting information.

6' USB Cable