Support FAQ

Not sure what to ask about support? Don’t worry. We’ve put together a list of FAQ’s that we’ve found are asked the most by our prospects before they buy from Resaleworld. If you don’t find a question answered here, please feel free to contact our sales staff. They will be happy to get you the answers you need.

Resaleworld Technicians

Resaleworld boasts the largest support staff in our industry. At the moment, we have 9 technicians who are here to answer any and all your questions related to Liberty. Most of our competitors have 1 person doing support.

Our technicians are experts in handling computer questions, printer troubleshooting, software questions, etc.


Support Outsourcing

Absolutely Not! Our technicians handle all issues related to Liberty. We feel that outsourcing support diminishes the value of our company and leaves too much finger pointing. If it’s related to Liberty, we handle it. It’s clear and simple.

Our customers rely on Resaleworld to understand their business and computer needs and requirements. They rely on us for advice, recommendations and help when installing and setting up their systems for their business. Leaving it to someone else just doesn’t cut it.


Calling for Support

Support is based on a first-come, first-serve basis (except for Priority Support). Your call is entered into a queue where our technicians view all the calls. On average, our turn-around time is approximately 30 minutes. During peak times, you may experience a call back time of about 1 hour.

Peak times are infrequent. Usually they occur on Friday afternoon or during peak Holiday selling days. Between 2008 and 2010, our average callback time was just under 32 minutes.


Onsite Tech

Good question! If you are scheduling a tech to come by who is setting up your hardware or network and they need to talk to someone in our support staff, no problem. Just call support and schedule a callback time. We will do our best to accommodate your technician’s schedule so you don’t have to pay for him to sit around.

By the way, if you can’t find a responsible tech or may have worries about your current tech, feel free to ask our opinion. We can usually spot the imposters a mile away.